In a horrific incident, sixteen minor students of a government-run middle school in Bihar fell ill on Thursday after they were mercilessly beaten up by the school principal for not sweeping the school floor, the police said. The incident took place at Pakdi Middle School under Mahua Police Station of Vaishali district in the state.
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Enraged over the incident, villagers ransacked the school and demanded action against the accused school principal, Rajesh Kumar.
BCCL/Representational Image
A police officer posted in Mahua, Sunil Kumar Singh, told news agency IANS that about 16 children of the school had to be admitted to a local hospital after they were mercilessly beaten up by the Principal.
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"Following the beating by Rajesh Kumar, they fell ill and were taken to the hospital."
Singh said that villagers, mostly parents and guardians of school children, staged protest at the school on hearing about the incident.
"Others teachers fled the school fearing reprisal from villagers. Rajesh Kumar managed to escape," he added.
(With IANS Inputs)