Two officials belonging to the Indian High Commission are missing in Islamabad, said sources as per a report in TOI.?
They officials were out on official business when they were reported missing. The Indian government is discussing the matter with authorities in Pakistan.?
Tensions have escalated since India expelled two Pakistan officials accused of espionage.?
Following the expulsion of Pakistan officials, the Indian diplomats were expecting a reciprocal action from Islamabad. The Indian high commission is finding it difficult to resume normal functioning, faced as Indian diplomats and consular officials are with incessant and aggressive tailing and surveillance.?
The latest incident comes weeks after the vehicle of India's Charge d'affaires Gaurav Ahluwalia was chased by an Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) member.?
A bike-borne man was seen following Ahluwalia's car.?
In March, the Indian High Commission in Pakistan sent a strong protest note to the foreign ministry in Islamabad protesting against the continuing harassment of its officers and staff by Pakistani agencies.?
According to the note, India cited 13 instances of harassment in March itself and asked Pakistan to stop such incidents and investigate the matter.?
India had asked Pakistani authorities to "investigate these incidents urgently and instruct the relevant agencies to ensure that similar incidents do not recur"?
On Friday, India registered protest in the form of a note verbale to Pakistan authorities. The government has conveyed to Pakistan that the behaviour of its agencies violated Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961 and also the bilateral 1992 Code of Conduct which the 2 countries signed to provide diplomats immunity from hostilities in ties.