Medical professionals are putting themselves at a high risk of contracting the highly contagious and deadly Coronavirus while treating COVID-19 patients.But the past few months have shown the amount of dedication and selfless service they do, even when they do not have the necessary personal protective equipment to keep themselves safe.?
Dr. Zahid Abdul Majeed, a critical care specialist at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) have been praised for his timely action to save the life of a Covid-19 patient while putting himself at risk.?
Dr. Sayan Nath, a resident doctor at AIIMS narrated the incident in a Facebook post.?
"Dr. Zahid, DM critical care resident from our department showed exceptional valour and dedication while catering to a COVID patient. While on duty he was not even able to break his ramdaan fast when he was called for shifting a COVID positive intubated patient to the ICU. Unfortunately, when Zahid reached the ambulance he noted the difficulty in ventilating the patient and suspected accidental extubation. He immediately decided to re-intubate. Owing to poor visibility through the PPE inside the ambulance, he decided to remove his goggles and then re intubated the patient in such sub optimal condition keeping in mind the imminent death of the patient if he failed. He didnt think twice before taking full blown aerosol exposure from the patient. I dont know how astute the decision was to put one self at risk, but Zahid definitely prevented an inevitable death. He has got himself exposed to highest possible viral load just to deliver his duty. I dont know if Zahid will contract COVID, but I pray that he comes out well and strong. I believe that the way he has proven his courage and mettle will be an encouragement to many others towards their selfless dedication to this profession," he wrote.?
Dr. Zahid has been placed under quarantine after being exposed to the COVID-19 patient.?
"I can't defend its wisdom ..I tell you all not to do this ..but the situation over flooded my capacity of prioritising self-protection..I don't want it to be made an example your own self firstAll I felt I couldn't face my own conscience If I wouldn't do... Islam teaches us selflessness via fasting during Ramadhan to seek salvage by serving the fellow humans.In crisis instinct works more than some cerebral intellect and that is all we learn from our teachers all the life ?My teachers ie our senior doctors professors at Aiims' skins or elsewhere are my role models who have shown us the living example of dedication and sincerity ..just we struggle to get that legacy" he wrote in a Facebook post.