Days after the Tamil Nadu government announced the closure of 500 liquor shops, the state¡¯s Minister for Prohibition and Excise, S Muthusamy, said on Sunday that the government was considering plans for the sale of liquor in tetra packs, citing environmental and cleanliness benefits.
Addressing the media after inaugurating a panchayat office in Bhavani, Muthusamy said, ¡°Liquor is sold in tetra packs in neighbouring states of Puducherry and Karnataka. Tamil Nadu is also considering it, and high-level consultations are underway. A team has gone to those states to study the system."
Explaining the reason, the minister said, "Bottles get broken and damaged sometimes. This can be avoided if tetra packs are introduced. Empty liquor bottles thrown on farmlands or roadsides damage the environment."
The minister also highlighted concerns regarding the improper cleaning of reusable liquor bottles and expressed hope that tetra packs would eliminate such issues. He also claimed that tetra packs "cannot be adulterated" and argued that they were "easy to handle".
The minister stressed that the move was only in the early stages of consideration and that it would be implemented only after a comprehensive evaluation.
However, the proposal to introduce the sale of liquor in tetra packs has been met with stern opposition, mainly from PMK president and former Union minister Anbumani Ramadoss.??
Warning that the sale of liquor in tetra packs could potentially encourage misuse and underage consumption, Ramadoss expressed disappointment in minister Muthusamy, "a seasoned politician" who he had "hoped would lead Tamil Nadu towards prohibition", was coming out with such ideas.
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