It has been nearly a month since super cyclonic storm Fani wreaked havoc along the coast of Odisha. While the death toll was minimal, thanks to a massive evacuation of nearly 12 lakh people the trail of destruction the cyclonic storms have left behind are massive.
The infrastructure damage the state has suffered due to Fani will take at least a few years to rebuild completely. As people began returning to their homes after the cyclone one of the biggest challenges in front of the Naveen Patnaik Government is to restore power supply.?
According to the government, nearly 1.56 lakh electricity poles were uprooted by the storm. Even after one month, more than five lakh people of 1.64 lakh households are struggling to survive in the hot summer due to lack of power supplies.
The worst affected was Puri district where only 1,51,889 out of 2,91,171 affected electricity consumers (52 percent) have got back power so far, an official said adding, Fani had completely damaged power infrastructure in the district.
The cyclone had affected a total of 1.65 crore people in 14 districts of the state.
The official said of the total 25,01,131 affected electricity consumers, power has been restored to 23,36,584 consumers.