In a horrifying incident in Andhra Pradesh, a 16-year-old girl from the Dalit community was allegedly drugged and raped by 10 men for many days after being held against her will in a house, as per a TNN report.??
She is from Rajahmundry district. On June 23, Anitha, her distant relative, took her away from her family in an auto with seven men on pretext of employment at a shop. She was taken to a house where the accused allegedly sexually assaulted her for many days after drugging her, police said.?
The News Minute reported that the minor¡¯s mother had filed a missing complaint with the Korukonda police station on July 12 when she was unable to contact her daughter. On July 15, the minor returned home. Three days later on July 18, the family approached the police alleging that she was sexually assaulted and asked them to update the FIR, according to TSN Rao, the North Zone Deputy Superintendent of Police.?
The SP said that the minor girl has been admitted to a hospital and her condition is said to be stable. Police have ordered her medical examination to ascertain the crime.?
Police said that Anitha went to her village after dropping the girl at the house on June 23. She is involved in human trafficking but the minor¡¯s family was not aware of it.?
On Monday, police recorded 10 arrests in connection with the case, while the eleventh accused is still at large. They have been booked for rape under the Indian Penal Code, the POCSO Act and the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.