At least 8 people are feared dead in Tamil Nadu's Thoothukudi (Tuticorin) after police opened fire at locals protesting demanding the closure of Sterlite Coal on Tuesday. The police opened fire at the locals after the demonstration turned violent on the 100th day of the protesters.
A large number of people had gathered at the Tuticorin district collectorate defying a? Section 144 order.
The protesters were demanding closure of the Sterlite Copper Smelter located near the town.
Clashes erupted after the protesters were denied permission to take out a march. The angry mob began hurling stones at police, which the cops retorted with teargas.
The town has been witnessing mass protest demanding the closure of Sterlite, a Vedanta subsidiary which operates a 4,00,000 tonne-per-annum plant.
Protesters alleged that the plant was polluting groundwater in their area.