The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Head Constable Sukhjinder Singh had spoken to the family hours before the terrorist attack which killed 42 CRPF soldiers including him and for the family which includes his parents, brother, wife and a seven-month-old son who lost his gallant father.
Dainik Bhaskar
Also Read:44 CRPF Men, 44 Families: Time To Salute Selfless Families Of Men Martyred In Pulwama
Sukhjinder belonged to Gandivind village of Tarn Taran and his father Gurmez Singh received the news of his martyrdom at 6 pm and ever since then the family is in shock. Sukhjinder is survived by a seven-month-old son who was born after a prayer to the almighty after seven years of marriage and now mother Harbhajan Kaur is in deep shock. He was posted with 76 battalions of the CRPF.
The martyr's brother Jatta Singh told Dainik Bhaskar that Sukhjinder had joined the CRPF in 2003 at the tender age of 19 and it was just eight months back, he had been promoted to head constable. Sukhjinder was the sole breadwinner of the family and he has spoken to his brother at 10 am and had told that they are going to Kashmir and he would call in the evening once they reach the camp.
Jatta Singh further added the ever since they got the news, the family is in deep shock and since Sukhjinder¡¯s wife is at her parents¡¯ place, they haven¡¯t told her about the martyrdom of his brother. He said it that the family doesn¡¯t have the courage to face Sukhjinder¡¯s wife.
Sukhjinder had come on leave in January and had spent a month with the family. He had resumed service on January 28 and had told the family to come after four months. According to his brother, Sukhjinder had planned to take a pre-mature retirement after completing 20 years in service and had plans to settle abroad.