The Delhi High Court on Thursday refused to entertain public interest litigation seeking a direction to the central government to award Bharat Ratna to industrialist Ratan Tata.?
A bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Navin Chawla stated that it was not for the court to direct the authorities to award the highest civilian honour to a person. "What kind of a petition is this? Is this for the court to direct (the government to award Bharat Ratna)," said the bench.
The counsel for the petitioner urged the court to "at least request" the government. "Go make the request. Where is the question of the court stepping in?," said the Acting Chief Justice.?
The counsel for the petitioner withdrew the petition after the court said that it would dismiss the same with costs.?
The petitioner -- Rakesh, who claimed to be a social worker, said in his plea that Ratan Tata deserves Bharat Ratna as he is serving the nation and has an unblemished life.
He has led an exemplary life inspiring millions of career aspirants around the globe and has proved to be an excellent leader and a business owner, the petition said.
Tata's fans have demanded Bharat Ratna for the industrialist and philanthropist. Last year, netizens made a pitch for conferring Bharat Ratna on Ratan Tata, to which he requested people to discontinue the campaign, stating that he was instead happy to be able to contribute to India's growth and prosperity.
In February, Tata, the Chairman Emeritus of the Tata Group, today requested Twitter users to discontinue a campaign to confer the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award, to the octogenarian, saying that he was instead happy to be able to contribute to India's growth and prosperity.
"While I appreciate the sentiments expressed by a section of the social media in terms of an award, I would humbly like to request that such campaigns be discontinued. Instead, I consider myself fortunate to be an Indian and to try and contribute to India's growth and prosperity," Tata tweeted in response to #BharatRatnaForRatanTata campaign on Twitter.
The hashtag #BharatRatnaForRatanTata started trending on Twitter yesterday after motivational speaker Dr Vivek Bhindra tweeted about the campaign to confer the highest civilian award to Ratan Tata, who is known for his social causes and philanthropic efforts.
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