An Eight-year-boy was beaten to death following a clash between two groups of minor boys outside madrasa in south Delhi's Malviya Nagar on Thursday. According to police, the boy died as a result of head injury during the attack on him.?
The incident when the students objected to a few local boys playing on a vacant land in front of the Madrasa.
"The local boys insisted on playing since they claimed there was no other empty place nearby. A fight broke out in which the student sustained an internal injury on his head" said Vijay Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) told PTI.
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He was rushed to a hospital where he was declared brought dead. The boy was a resident of Mewat, Haryana and his parents have been informed about the incident.
Four minor boys, who are suspected to have been involved in the incident, have been apprehended. Further investigation is underway.