In a tragic incident, five young medical professionals lost their lives in a road accident on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway in the early hours of Wednesday. The doctors, who were postgraduate trainees with the Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences in Saifai, were returning from a wedding function in Lucknow when the accident took place.
According to the police, there were a total of six people inside the ill-fated SUV when the accident happened. While five of them lost their lives, the condition of the sixth is said to be critical.
The victims have been identified as Dr Aniruddh Verma, Dr Santosh Kumar Maurya, Dr Jaiveer Singh, Dr Arun Kumar, and Dr Nardev.
The lone survivor, a postgraduate student at Saifai Medical College, was rushed to Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Medical College in Tirwa and is undergoing treatment.
According to reports, the driver of the SUV could have dozed off behind the wheel while driving late, resulting in the chain of events that ended in the tragedy.
The SUV lost control near Kannauj around 3:00 am on Wednesday, after which the speeding Mahindra Scorpio broke through the divider and entered the parallel lane. It then crashed into a truck coming from the opposite side, leaving the SUV in a mangled mess. The truck, coming from Rajasthan, dragged the SUV for a considerable distance before it came to a halt.
Circle Officer Priyanka Bajpai said that the bodies have been sent for post-mortem, and an investigation into the accident is underway.
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