Bhola Ram usually opens his stall at around 12 noon. For the next eight to nine hours he stands just opposite the famed Priya Cinema in southern Kolkata as moviegoers and passersby come up to have what he is serving.?Nobody can really ignore it, for it is phuchka.?
Yes, Delhi has golgappas, Mumbai has panipuris and Kolkata has phuchkas. But do not confuse it with the other two. It is much larger in size and uses tamarind water as an added delicacy. Not to mention the 'churmur' that is put in. It's the snack all Bengalis and Kolkatans in general love. In fact, if one is visiting the city, this is high on the bucket list.??
Now, under normal circumstances, with people lining up, Bhola's shop would usually do decent business. But since mid-March, 'normal' is a distant dream. Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown meant that all roadside shops took a backseat.Phuchkawallahs had to shut up shop, and Bhola was no exception.?
"Business is bad, I can't sell my stuff and it is a big bother," a desperate Bhola told?Indiatimes.?"I don't know what I am going to do. Normally I would have more than enough to save, now I cannot even make the minimum needed to sustain myself and my home."?
He's not the only one in strife. Moti Singh, whose stall sits around one kilometre from Bhola's stand, is facing the same predicament.?"Ever since the lockdown, things have been hard. I have not been able to sell anything in the last three months," he explained.?
"This has been my main source of income for over 20 years now. What am I supposed to do?" he laments.?"I understand the safety issue but I also have a family to feed. What about my interests?"
These are just a couple of cases among phuchkawallahs all over the city who have been hit hard by the COVID-19 impact. Once the most sought after snack-sellers they are now nowhere to be seen. If one wants to have phuchka one can order it online from the few outlets that sell it. But the taste is not quite the same as many found out. The charm of the street-side phuchka is missing.?
Yours truly never misses a chance to go to the nearest stall when visiting Kolkata. But not this time, even though this is not a visit technically, just a change of venue until office opens. Work continues from home on the laptop.?
But while I have the option to work from home, the phuchkawallas do not. If they cannot sell their stuff on the roadside, they are doomed financially. But the way things are, one doubts whether normalcy will be restored soon. The rest, time will tell.