A patient at Thoothukudi government medical college and hospital in Tamil Nadu allegedly stole jewellery from another patient. The accused allegedly stole a chain that was worth Rs 1.85 lakh.??
The victim got her chain back after cops identified the accused through CCTV footage. The name of the accused is M Oorkavalan.?
It happened on December 30, 2020, when S Inbamani went to the hospital with her son S Sampathkumar. The 75-year-old was to undergo a scan. When her turn came, she had to take off her chain.?
She placed it where her family was waiting for her, as per a TOI report. But she got a shock to see her chain was gone when she was done with the scan.?
After this, her son approached the Tuticorin South Police to file a complaint. They then tracked down the man.?
"We came to know that he had come to the hospital for the treatment of his 21-year-old son with stunted growth and other ailments. He took the jewellery and did not know where to hand it over. He neither had any criminal antecedence nor any intention to sell or pledge the stolen jewellery. We recovered it from him and gave him a warning," said the SP.