Mumbai has been witnessing a steady surge in the novel coronavirus cases, with Dharavi, one of Asia's largest slums, also recording a spike.?
On May 26, with 1,002 new COVID-19 cases reported in Mumbai, the total cases in the city rose to 32,791.
Reports say there were 39 deaths due to COVID-19 on Tuesday and the death toll in Mumbai has risen to 1,065.
The figures suggest that more than 62 per cent of the total coronavirus cases in Maharashtra are from Mumbai. On May 1, the financial capital's tally stood at 7,626 and surged past 10,000 on May 6. On May 16, the number of cases were 18,000 and in another eight days it crossed 31,000, doubling almost every 10 days.
Mumbai is among the worst-hit cities in the country. And if the same rate of surge continues, Mumbai is expected to record a total of 1,00,000 coronavirus cases by June.
The total number of cases in Maharashtra has gone up to 54,758, with 2,091 new cases. The number of active cases across the state has risen to 36,004. The death toll in the state has gone up to 1,792.
Additionally, 75 more COVID-19 cases have been reported among Maharashtra police personnel, taking the total coronavirus cases in the force to 1,964.
"In the last 24 hours, 75 police personnel have tested positive for COVID-19. The total number of coronavirus cases in Maharashtra Police has risen to 1,964 with the death toll at 20," Maharashtra Police said in a statement.
Out of the total cases, 849 police personnel have recovered from the infection and 1,095 cases are still active.