In a heartbreaking incident, a body of the two-day-old girl was recovered from a clogged toilet at a clinic in Kerala on Friday. The girl was reportedly flushed down the toilet and recovered after the plumber was called to clear the clogged toilet.?
On Friday morning, when Dr Abdul Rehman, who runs a clinic next to his house in Palakkad district, noticed obstruction in the toilet bowl, he called the plumber. The plumber tried to clear it but noticed something that looked like a ball. When the plumber tried to get it out, he got shocked to see baby¡¯s head.?
The body of the newborn, her placenta still attached, was stuck in the duct.?
The police suspect that parent brought the girl to the clinic on the pretext of consultation and flushed the baby. However., as the placenta was intact, its feared that mother could have delivered the baby inside the?washroom.?
The records of all the patients are being checked, a police officer said.
The doctor filed a complaint and a case of unnatural death was filed. "Investigations are underway. We are analysing the records, but we haven't been able to identify her parents yet," police sources told NDTV.