In February this year, the government told the Lok Sabha that a total of 174 doctors, 116 nurses and 199 healthcare workers had died due to COVID-19 in the country till then.
But according to the Indian Medical Association, the number of doctors who died of COVID in India is much higher and it said 734 medical practitioners had lost their lives due to the infection since January 2020.
According to the IMA, out of the 734 doctors who lost their lives due to Covid-19, 431 are the General Practitioners who are the first point of contact for the people.
The exact number of other health care workers including nurses and other health care workers who lost their lives due to the pandemic is unknown.
It just shows the risk the healthcare workers put themselves into every day during the pandemic.
In fact, they have been doing this day in and day out for all these years, but never got their due recognition for their service.
It took a pandemic to teach us how important their service to society is.
But what have we given them back as a society, other than banging plates and lighting candles?
In the early days of the outbreak, the healthcare workers were struggling to get enough protective gear as PPEs were in short supply and in many cases were forced to work with torn ones and reuse the ones that were meant to be used only once.
Even in the midst of the pandemic, there were a number of cases where doctors and other health care workers were forced to vacate their rooms or harassed by neighbors because they were treating COVID-19 patients and were accused of being virus carriers.
After the first wave was controlled most of us have let our guards down, by not following COVID-19 safety guidelines, thus allowing the virus to resurface in the second wave which appears to be worse than the first.
This has many healthcare workers concerned for their safety and the safety of their loved ones.
Though a large section of them have been vaccinated against COVID-19 starting from late January, most of them are yet to receive their second doses, meaning that they are still not safe from the virus.
Even those who have received their second shot, still fear for the safety of their immediate family members who are not vaccinated, because they can still be carriers who transmit the virus.
These worries are in addition to the extra hours of work they have to put up on a daily basis due to the shortage of staff as more and more of them are getting infected.?