An absolute shocker saw Rs 36 lakh deducted from the account of a retired army jawan.?
This happened when his son downloaded a game from a website, as per TNN.?
A complaint was filed with the cyber cell in Agra.?
The game was downloaded from a web portal that has its base of operations in Singapore.
Police officials are probing but have no update about the cash.?
It happened in the area which is under the Hariparwat police station in Agra, as per a report in Hindi daily Hindustan.?
The cops said that the boy downloaded 'Battle Ground Game' from his father's mobile device following which the cash was deducted.?
The boy was addicted and reportedly made an online payment of Rs 36 lakh to buy 'sophisticated weapons' in order to make it to the last stages of the game. ??
The payment was made through UPI mode.?
The boy kept on playing and paid to get extra features.
Cyber cell officials are trying retrieve the money.?
But it does not look good.?
Cyber cops are trying to locate the wallet where all the cash was credited.?
Officials said that had the father disabled his UPI payment option, the amount might not have gone.
It looks like a clear case of online fraud and one hopes somehow the cash is returned.
Rs 36 lakh is no small amount and for someone who has served in the India it is the least that can be done for that person.?
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