Rashtrapati Bhavan on Friday gave shelter to an injured monkey. The staff spotted the injured animal and immediately called the Wildlife SOS team on their 24-hour rescue helpline.
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A two-member rescue team reached Rashtrapati Bhavan in no time and helped the animal. The NGO found out that it has been severely injured on his shoulder.
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"The injured animal is likely to be a victim of human-animal conflict and it took shelter in a place where it found safety," Kartick Satyanarayan, co-founder and CEO of Wildlife SOS, told Business Standard.
"This injured animal is likely to be a victim of human-animal conflict and it took shelter in a place where it found safety. Human-primate conflict often termed as monkey menace, is on the rise, sadly because of the fragmentation and disappearance of the original habitat that these animals depend on," Satyanarayan addded.
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The money will be soon released back into its natural habitat after medical care.