Shankar Bhagat arrived in Puri, Odisha, to take his wife Tara home after 10 years. As per a report in The New Indian Express, Shankar and his children had performed her last rites as they thought she was dead after she went missing from Bolpur, West Bengal.?
When she disappeared, Tara was undergoing treatment for psychiatric ailments, according to Shankar. Since she was untraceable for many years, they thought she was no more.?
It was then social media came to the rescue. A Puri-based organisation called Hope is Life shared a picture and the family recognised it. They got in touch and realised she was living in an old age home in Puri.??
Suresh Kumar Nanda who is the secretary said that Tara could not offer much information as to how she got there. She was living there for 10 years.?
After 10 years the family was reunited with her and this was a happy ending. The police had tried for years to trace her but to no avail. Now, through the internet, she was found.