A 25-year-old woman in Bengaluru fell for a fraudulent online advertisement offering Rs 1 crore to a kidney donor. She lost Rs 3.1 lakh after responding, claim reports.
Aishwarya (named change) lives in Moodalapalya locality. She just got laid off by a private bank as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Also her parents were in a financial rut.?
In March, Aishwarya came across an advertisement on Facebook offering to make a payment of Rs 1 crore to any person, who was willing to donate his/her kidney. The woman thought that she can help her financially-distressed parents by donating one of her kidneys. She sent a text message on the mobile number mentioned in the advertisement.?
According to a report by TOI, later when she dialled the number, the man on the line introduced himself as Hada Fang. He told Aishwarya that the kidney donation would be done in a legal manner and she would be required to obtain a donor card for it. The man then gave her details of three bank accounts and asked her to deposit money for various legal formalities such as tax identification fees and police permission charges, etc.?
Aishwarya managed to arrange Rs 3.1 lakh by pledging her gold jewellery. Later, when she deposited the money, Fang stopped responding to her calls or text messages. Aishwarya said that his WhatsApp account is still active but he never responds to her texts.?
Aishwarya approached the CEN crime police and registered a complaint on Thursday. An FIR under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and under IT Act has been registered against the accused. Investigation revealed that the accused withdrew the money within minutes after deposition.?