Ticket examiners in India have a tendency to get into sticky situations. In a rather bizarre incident, one ticket collector allegedly bit off the nose of a senior officer at Katni station under the Jabalpur division of West Central Railway (WCR) in Madhya Pradesh.?
Picture for representation/Reuters
"Our Katni district inspector has informed me that TC Narayan Meena bit off the nose of Chief Ticket Inspector Manoj Sharma," said Savita Suhane, superintendent, Government Railway Police.?
The scuffle between the two was triggered by something that happened in the past. Sharma had reportedly pulled up Meena over some wrongdoing.?
Meena, who appeared to be "not in a good frame of mind" was suspended, WCR's Chief Commercial Manager Manoj Seth said. "I have learnt that he has been arrested also," he said.?
The SP said Meena was booked under section 326 (voluntary causing grievous hurt) of the IPC. The incident was being probed, Suhane said.?
Source: PTI