On Wednesday, India was dealt a massive blow when wrestler Vinesh Phogat was disqualified for being overweight, just hours before she was to compete in the finals of the women's 50kg. The nation of 1.4 billion, which was gearing up to cheer for her to win a gold or silver medal at the Olympics, was left shell-shocked over Phogat's disqualification for being overweight by just 100 grams.
Equally shocked by the developments was American wrestling great Jordan Burroughs, who, in a series of posts on X, expressed his disbelief at the turn of events and stood in solidarity with the Indian wrestler.
Also read:?Vinesh Phogat disqualified before final for being overweight by 100g
36-year-old Burroughs, who competes in the 74kg category, is a 2012 London Olympics gold medalist. He has also won six gold medals and three bronze at the Wrestling World Championship.
He was a member of the US Olympic or World Team for a record eleven times and is considered one of the greatest freestyle wrestlers of all time.
In his first post on X, Burroughs pointed out how Phogat, who deserved to be on the podium, will go home empty-handed.
"My goodness. I don¡¯t think any of us can quite comprehend the future ramifications for Vinesh missing weight this morning. When she awoke today, she was India¡¯s first ever female Olympic finalist, guaranteed at least a silver. Now she will be returning home medal-less. God bless her and all she¡¯ll have to endure moving forward. She has looked amazing this week, and deserved to be on that podium today. This is tragic," he said.
To make his point on how the 100 grams would have made any difference, Burroughs had the following comparison.
Also read:?Vinesh Phogat announces retirement after Paris Olympics 2024 disqualification
He further suggested some rule changes the UWW should implement when it comes to weighing wrestlers.
Burroughs followed up with yet another post reading "Give Vinesh silver".
Though Phogat has filed an appeal, demanding that she should be declared the joint winner of the silver medal, the initial response from UWW suggests that it is unlikely to happen.
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