Major measles outbreaks may take place in 2021 as a result of COVID say scientists as per an academic article published in the Lancet journal, according to a PTI report. Researchers including Australian paediatrician Kim Mulholland, Chair of the World Health Organization's SAGE Working Group on measles and rubella vaccines, believe that several children have not had measles vaccination in 2020. This means future outbreaks are sure to happen.?
They are calling for urgency to prevent such epidemics in the years to come. 2020 has not seen much of measles, mainly due to travel reductions and COVID restrictions. However, they believe that economic impacts could result in lots of cases of childhood malnutrition.?
The researchers said malnutrition increases measles' severity, which means more deaths.
"Children who die from measles are often malnourished, but acute measles pushes many surviving children into malnutrition," said Mulholland.?
"Malnutrition, along with measles-associated immune suppression, leads to delayed mortality, while co-existing vitamin A deficiency can also lead to measles-associated blindness," he added.?
"All these factors create the environment for severe measles outbreaks in 2021, accompanied by increased death rates and the serious consequences of measles that were common decades ago. Without concerted efforts now, it is likely that the coming years will see an increase in measles and its severe, frequently fatal, complications," he went on to say.?
WHO projected that by the time October 2020 ended, delayed vaccination campaigns in 26 countries meant 94 million children missing their scheduled doses.?