Aarogya Setu surely has become the most popular app in India in just a few weeks of it getting launched, while COVID-19 was busy taking a higher grip in India.?
But along with this, it was also surrounded by a ton of concerns, pertaining to the data collection and the privacy of its users.?
This concern only got worse when last month it announced that the app is supposed to be mandatory for all employees working in public and private sector. The app was also made ¡®mandatory¡¯ for people living in the containment zones. However, now these rules have been eased as Ministry of Home Affairs has issued new guidelines yesterday to ensure the installation of the app on ¡®best effort basis.¡¯
The newer guidelines reveal a rather tolerant approach to the employees installing the app. The guidelines state, ¡°Employers on best effort basis should ensure that Aarogya Setu is installed by all employees having compatible mobiles phones.¡± In previous guidelines, it has used words such as ¡®mandatory¡¯ asking employers to ensure ¡®100 percent coverage.¡¯
There was a confusion also pertaining to users who didn¡¯t own a smartphone as feature phones don¡¯t support the app. The term ¡®compatible mobile phones¡¯ also clears this out.?
Even for regular public residing in containment or non-containment zones, the new guidelines reveal a slightly lenient approach, seeking the help of district authorities of advising individuals to use the app. Earlier, people from containment zones were mandated to install the app.
Easements, however, don¡¯t come for people travelling on the train, as it still remains mandatory to be eligible to travel on the train. From the looks of it, even people flying will need to be signed up to the app.?
Last week, MIT Technology Review had rated Aarogya Setu app 2 out of 5, highlighting that the app fails in parameters talking about its use for law enforcement, transparency and being voluntary. Today, the app has crossed over 100 million downloads.