Delhi Police has asked Twitter for information about the account that first tweeted about the ¡®Bulli Bai¡¯ app, and has asked the platform to remove offensive content surrounding the controversy.?
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To the unaware, yesterday, we saw an FIR was filed against the ¡®Bulli Bai¡¯ on hosting platform Github, based on a complaint of a journalist who found doctored images of her on a webpage, with derogatory comments aimed at Muslim women.
The case that was registered under section 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) of the Indian Penal Code at Cyber Police Station, South-East District has now been transferred to Delhi Police Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit.
Twitter hasn¡¯t really made any statements surrounding the same yet. Police has also sought information from GitHub for the developer of the app.?
A similar FIR has also been filed by the Mumbai police against unknown persons based on complaints that doctored images of women were uploaded for auctioning on the aforementioned app. West Mumbai Cyber Police station has registered a case against the ¡®Bulli Bai¡¯ app makers as well as Twitter handles that were involved in the promotion of the app.
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The case has been registered under sections 153(A), 153(B), 295 (A), 345 (D), 500 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 67 of the Information Technology act.?
The app was pulled down from Github on Saturday, as revealed by Indian information and technology minister Ashwini Vaishnaw. He said, ¡°GitHub confirmed blocking the user this morning itself. CERT and Police authorities are coordinating further action.¡±
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