Intel was welcomed by Indian Union Minister for Electronics and Information Technology, Ashwini Vaishnaw, after Intel Foundry Services president, in a tweet, congratulated the minister over the nation¡¯s endeavour to encourage designing and manufacturing of semiconductors in India.
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To the unaware, earlier this month, the Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved a budget of Rs 76,000 crores for offering incentives to companies designing and manufacturing semiconductor chips in India.?
Vaishnaw¡¯s response was to Intel¡¯s? Foundry Services president, Randhir Thakur, who said via a tweet, ¡°Congrats to @GoI_MeitY @AshwiniVaishnaw @Rajeev_GoI for Semiconductor design & manufacturing incentives for India as a hub for electronics & semiconductors. Glad to see a plan laid out for all aspects of the supply chain: talent, design, manufacturing, test, packaging & logistics.¡±
Vaishnaw retweeted while stating, ¡°Intel - welcome to India¡±.?
During the announcement of the approval of the semiconductor-incentive budget, Vaishnaw stated that PM Modi wants to develop a complete ecosystem in the nation, including design fabrication, testing and packaging, which would require an investment of Rs 76,000 crores.?
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He had said, ¡°Today we have reached $75 billion (roughly Rs. 5,61,306 crore) in electronics manufacturing in 7 years. With the pace that we are moving at, in the next six years, we will reach $300 billion (roughly Rs. 22,45,240 crore) in electronics manufacturing.¡±
It doesn¡¯t look like Intel is looking to set up a manufacturing plant in India anytime soon, considering it's a massive endeavour, and as of now it¡¯s focussing on setting up its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Arizona, the US where it has spent over $20 billion. However, if it does, it could surely take India¡¯s IT manufacturing dream to newer heights.
Can India become a superpower of semiconductor manufacturing? Let us know in the comments below, and keep reading for the latest science and technology news.?