An orange-bellied frog with a brown back has been discovered in the Southern range of Deccan plateau, surprising the scientists. This species of frogs that was thought to be lost millions of years ago, has been found in Kerala's Wayanad area.
After coming across a few specimens in the middle of the night during an expedition in the Western Ghats, the researchers determined that they had found this species thought to be lost 60 million years ago.
The frog measures between 2 cm and 3 cm in length and has been named as Astribatrachus Kurichiyana by the scientists. They also nicknamed it 'starry dwarf frog'. Dr Alex Pyron from George Washington University was quoted by The Guardian, saying, ¡°Astrobatrachus is from the Greek for star frog, and so we named it after the spots that sort of look like stars, and kurichiyana is the name of the local peoples in this area where it was found.¡±
The research team said that many other frogs in the region also boast of an ancient lineage.