Archaeologists from Israel on Wednesday displayed a? rare tusk 5,00,000 years old, from an enormous now-extinct elephant. Scholars see it as a testament to a social ritual by prehistoric humans.
The artefact is? 2.6-metre (8.5-foot)? weighing approximately 150 kilos (330 pounds) and was discovered by biologist Eitan Mor at an excavation site near Revadim, a village in southern Israel.
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) managed the excavation. It said the fossil tusk was the largest to be found in the Near East.?Avi Levy, director of the excavation, said it was "fantastic" to find the "extremely preserved tusk".
"The elephant is a straight-tusked elephant, which became extinct from our area around 400,000 years ago," he said."Next to the tusk were flint tools prehistoric man used to chop and skin the animals in the region, apparently the elephants too."
According to Levy, the identity of the prehistoric humans who inhabited the region - a land bridge from Africa to Asia and Europe -- was "a mystery".?"We haven't found remains of people here, we only find their material culture -- the trash they discarded after use, whether animal bones or flint tools," the historian added.
Based on the size of the tusk, the elephant would have stood up to five metres (16.5 feet) tall, significantly larger than today's African elephants.
According to Israel Hershkovitz, a biological anthropologist at Tel Aviv University, the quantity of the meat such an animal would yield and its fatty nature, which makes it difficult to preserve, would indicate that hunting an elephant would serve a societal function.
"Groups of hunter-gatherers in certain times would arrive at gathering places, in which they would trade women and information and reaffirm social ties that had weakened over the year and go on a hunt of an elephant, something symbolic," he said.
The tusk will be transferred to an IAA facility for further research.
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