In the latest developments surrounding the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, reports reveal that the Bandra Police recorded Kareena Kapoor's statement on Friday evening. According to India Today and other news outlets, Kapoor described the attacker as "highly aggressive" and mentioned that Saif had to step in to protect their younger son, Jeh.
According to India Today, Kareena Kapoor Khan told the police that the attacker who injured her husband, Saif Ali Khan, at their Mumbai apartment was "highly aggressive," stabbing him multiple times without taking anything.?
Kareena mentioned that during the incident, the women and children were moved to the 12th floor for safety.
As reported by ABP, Kareena also noted that although her jewellery was kept in a nearby room, the attacker didn't touch it.?
Earlier in the evening before the attack, Kareena was having a girls' night with her sister Karisma and friends Sonam and Rhea Kapoor, while Saif stayed home with their sons, Taimur and Jeh.
In the evening of the fateful day, after Saif's surgery, Kareena took to Instagram to shared that the family is still "trying to process" what happened and asked for privacy during this challenging time.?
She also mentioned that the ongoing attention is not only overwhelming but also puts their safety at risk, urging the paparazzi and the media to respect their boundaries.
The incident took place around 2 a.m. on Thursday when an intruder entered Jeh's room.?
Nurse Eliyama Philip, who was the first to spot the intruder, described seeing a thin figure holding a wooden stick and a blade similar to a hacksaw. When she tried to alert Saif and Kareena, the attacker threatened her to remain silent.
The noise drew Saif's attention, and he confronted the intruder but was overpowered in the struggle. After assaulting him, the attacker fled.
Saif suffered six stab wounds, including one where a 2.5-inch piece of blade got stuck in his spine.?
Doctors at Lilavati Hospital have since removed it. In addition to the knife wounds, Saif also received two deep cuts while trying to defend himself.?
Saif's doctors have stated that he is recovering well and is currently on bed rest.
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