The Mangaluru Police recovered the decomposed body of VG Siddhartha, the founder of Cafe Coffee Day chain on the morning of July 31, 2019. The body was first spotted by a local fisherman around 2-3 km away from where he went missing, and he informed the police. The police then started a massive manhunt and found the body.?
The body was recovered by the police and has been sent to Government Wenlock Hospital, where a post-mortem will be conducted.
He was the son-in-law of former Karnataka Chief Minister SM Krishna and went missing on July 29 morning. A letter was also written by Siddhartha to the Board of Directors and Coffee Day family which surfaced on social media.?
In the letter, Siddhartha said he had ¡®failed to create the right profitable business model¡¯ despite his ¡®best efforts.¡¯? ¡®I would like to say I gave it my all. I am very sorry to let down all the people that put their trust in me. I fought for a long time but today I gave up as I could not take any more pressure from one of the private equity partners forcing me to buy back shares, a transaction I had partially completed six months ago by borrowing a large sum of money from a friend,¡¯ Siddhartha said in his letter.
Meanwhile, people on Twitter started sharing their Cafe Coffee Day memories after the news of his death surfaced. If you were a 90s kid,? you know that Cafe Coffee Day was one of the places you could expected to get a nice cup of coffee. In fact, cafe culture began with CCD. So, naturally, there is a lot of nostalgia attached to it.
Do you have a favourite Cafe Coffee Day memory?