Industrialist Anand Mahindra often shares incredible videos and content on X, most of which celebrate the human spirit whether it's desi jugaad or someone talented showcasing their skills. This time too, his latest post on X has struck a chord with people who often turn to his feed for some good ol' inspiration. In the post, Mr Mahindra?is all praise for Indian singer and composer Raghav Sachar's "serious talent" after he plays 11 instruments in a minute.
In the clip that Mr Mahindra shared less than an hour back, the talented Raghav Sachar?is seen holding a saxophone and a flute as he begins to belt out the tunes to the title track of 2001 hit Dil Chahta Hai.?He then quickly switches to whistling, followed by a banjo and the flute. The constant switch between different instruments and different styles for one song makes the clip a mesmerising one indeed, and you'll agree with Mr Mahindra too: Sachar's talent is unmatched.
"Now THAT is some serious talent. 11 instruments in a minute. And it¡¯s not just the novelty of the exercise. The song¡ªa timeless favourite¡ªhas been soulfully rendered. Bravo, @raghavsachar You make our #Sundays Smoother¡," Mr Mahindra wrote in the caption.?
So far, the clip has 52.1k views, 1,676 likes and comments to match. Take a look below:
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