Actor Saif Ali Khan, in a shocking attack, was stabbed multiple times during a burglary attempt by an intruder who entered his Bandra house in Mumbai. But after undergoing treatment, the actor is out of danger now, confirmed his team, reported ANI.
During the early hours of Thursday, the actor was attacked with a sharp knife at his home and survived multiple injuries. Following this, he was immediately rushed to the Lilavati Hospital for treatment, where he underwent multiple surgeries for six stab wounds.?
The 'Race' actor's team issued a statement in the afternoon on Thursday that Saif Ali Khan has come out of the surgery room and is out of danger now. However, he is still in the recovery process and is under the monitoring of doctors and experts. Moreover, all family members are also safe, the statement further noted.?
In the statement, Saif's team thanked the doctors and the fans who sent him well wishes. The team thanked Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Leena Jain, and the team at Lilavati Hospital.
According to the doctors at the Lilavati Hospital, the actor has six wounds on his body, one near the spine and another on the neck. For these, the doctors conducted two surgeries on the actor.
In the early hours of Thursday, around 2:30 am, an unknown person entered Saif Ali Khan's residence in Bandra in Mumbai. As per ANI's reports, the unknown man entered the house in an attempt to rob the premises. This is when the actor tried to intervene and pacify the man; this is when the accused stabbed him.?
The actor was immediately rushed to the hospital after sustaining injuries to his neck and near the spine.?
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