BollywoodĄ¯s King Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, recently attended a private wedding event in Delhi, where he added a magical touch to the coupleĄ¯s special day with his charismatic aura. His presence made the celebration more memorable for both the bride and groom and one of such videos is going viral on social media.?
Shah Rukh Khan's unmatchable charm always leaves his fans in awe. In the viral video, he was seen performing with the newlyweds and also mesmerised his fans with his signature pose. In one of the videos shared by fan pages, Shah Rukh Khan is seen dramatically kneeling on the stage, reciting the iconic poem from the 2012 film?'Jab Hai Jaan'?to the bride.?
Another video, shared by makeup artist Amrit Kaur, showed him complimenting her bridal look. "I really want to tell you that you look very beautiful. Mashallah, really beautiful. Looking at you, I just want to say..." he said, while repeating a dialogue from the film?Jab Tak Hai Jaan.
The compliment left the bride blushing, while the crowd cheered for the superstar.
On the other hand, makeup artist Amrit Kaur, while sharing the video, wrote, @iamsrk You made my day with the way you complimented my bride, Harshita, on the way she looked on her most special day!"
She noted her hard work paid off!
Have a look at the video:
Shah Rukh Khan reportedly charges a hefty amount for private events, including weddings. Taking to the comment section of Amrit Kaur's post, one netizen asked, 'How much did SRK charge for the show?' to which she replied that SRK was a family friend of the bride and the groom, and she cleared the air that Shah Rukh Khan was in attendance as a performer, not as a guest.?
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