A Hyderabadi doctor shared on Twitter what transpired after receiving an unexpected request from a six-year-old cancer patient. The heartwarming story has now gone viral. Here's what happened.
In a series of tweets, Dr. Sudhir Kumar, a neurologist at Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad, described how a six-year-old kid named Manu asked him not to notify his parents that he had cancer. This is how it happened.??
When Kumar was busy in OPD one fine day, a young couple walked in with a strange request.?The couple said, "Manu is waiting outside. He has cancer, but we haven't disclosed that to him. Please see him and advise your treatment, and don't share the diagnosis to him."
The doctor then met Manu, who was in a wheelchair, and granted the parents' request. "He was referred by his #oncologist for management of seizures. He had a smile, appeared confident & smart."?
Kumar then proceeded to review Manu's history and medical records and found out that, "Manu had been diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme grade 4 in left side of brain, due to which he had paralysis of right hand and leg. He had been operated, and was on chemotherapy. Seizures were due to brain cancer."
With Manu's parents, the doctor explained his treatment and addressed their concerns. Manu then requested a private meeting with Dr. Kumar from his parents as they prepared to leave.
It was then that Manu said the most heartwarming thing to the doctor. He told the doctor that he has read all about the disease on his iPad and informed him that he knows he will only live for six more months.
He said, "Dr, I have read all about the disease on iPad and I am aware that I will live only for 6 more months but I haven't shared this with my parents, as they would get upset. They love me a lot. Please don't share with them."
Expectedly, after being shocked and unable to talk for a few moments, Dr. Kumar eventually composed himself and assured the young child that he would attend to his request. The young patient waited outside while he continued the chat with Manu's parents.
When Manu's parents learned that their son was aware of his sickness, they sobbed yet were grateful as they walked out of the OPD with a sad heart.Nine months later, Manu's parents came to see Dr. Kumar.
The parents said, "Doctor, we had a great time with Manu after we met you. He wanted to visit Disneyland and we went with him. We took temporary leave from job and spent quality time with Manu. We lost him a month back. Today's visit is to just thank you for giving us those best 8 months."??
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