Manu Bhaker has been making waves not just in the sports arena but also in the showbiz scene, proudly showcasing her Olympic medals during appearances on platforms like Kaun Banega Crorepati with Amitabh Bachchan and at various award functions. Her frequent flaunting of these hard-earned accolades has sparked a wave of online trolling, with critics questioning her choice to bring her medals along wherever she goes. In a bold move, Bhaker has now clapped back at the naysayers, asking, "Why will I not?"
When Manu Bhaker was made aware of the online comments regarding her frequent appearances at events with her bronze medals, she responded confidently, saying "I will, yeah! Why will I not?" Manu told the Times of India.
The double Olympic medallist explained that she often carried her medals along with her at the organisers' request.
"Everyone has this feeling to show the medal which is why I carry it in case someone wants to see it. They even make a request saying, 'Please, bring your medal along' and when I do bring it, several pictures get snapped at these events," she shared with TOI.
The 22-year-old took to X to emphasise her pride in her achievements: "The two bronze medals I won at the Paris 2024 Olympics belong to India. Whenever I am invited for any event and asked to show these medals, I do it with pride. This is my way of sharing my beautiful journey."
She also has her fair share of supporters.?
One user remarked, "Just can't understand.. Manu Bhaker won two Medals in Olympics...why it's giving pain to anyone if she's flaunting it..rather we too should celebrate it. But no..ppl doing the opposite infact they should do something for the country rather giving lectures here."
Manu Bhaker kicked off India's medal tally at the Paris Olympics 2024, securing two of the six medals the country earned during the Games. She came close to adding a third medal to her collection, finishing just shy of the podium in fourth place in the 25m pistol event.
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