Police in Gorakhpur arrested a group of mobile phone thieves who were paid a predetermined salary regardless of their 'success rate.' According to the Times of India, the kingpin and his two associates were detained by the Government Railway Police (GRP) in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, on Friday night.?
The gang leader was identified as Manoj Mandal, a 35-year-old who oversaw the entire operation alongside his partners-in-crime, 19-year-old Karan Kumar and Kumar's 15-year-old sibling, who has not been recognised.?
Police discovered 44 stolen cell phones in their possession. The devices are likely to cost over ?10 lakh. Along with the phones, authorities discovered a handgun and a knife, which were used to frighten victims.
The band of thieves redefined the term "organised crime" with the way they conducted their business.Gorakhpur GRP SP According to Sandeep Kumar Meena, Manoj paid his associates a monthly stipend of ?15,000 each.?
They were also given free food and a travel allowance for out-of-station travels.The gang members specialised in swiping phones from individuals in train terminals and crowded markets.
A police official stated that Manoj would hunt for young people in his area of Sahebganj who needed money and had some schooling. He would train these young people for three months. The trainees were then assigned minor targets to rob. Those who met the targets were initiated into the gang and granted a certain pay.
When gang members had to travel a long distance for business, they were provided free food and hotel money.The stolen phones were transferred across the border to Nepal and Bangladesh.?
They were sold for 30-40% of their original price.Many social media users have been impressed and amused by how the group operates.?
In a hilarious twist that highlights how dissatisfied some employees are with their jobs, several X users joked about how they could apply to join the gang. Here's what people wrote in the comments.?
Also read:?Amritsar woman bravely fights off thieves at residence in broad daylight, shocking video goes viral
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