Diljit Dosanjh performed a concert in Pune on Sunday evening. Several videos and photos from the event circulated on social media platforms. A video showing a man proposing marriage to his fianc¨¦e has gone viral online.
In the video posted on Instagram, a man gets down on his knees to propose to his girlfriend on stage to the excitement of the audience. Later, he kisses her hand and hugs her. Diljit is overheard singing near them. Following that, Diljit is seen clapping and encouraging the audience to applaud them.
Diljit shook hands with the man before hugging his girlfriend. The man revealed that he proposed to his fianc¨¦e after 13 years of being together. The clip concluded with Diljit repeating his words.?
The event was conducted on the open ground at Suryakant Kakade Farms in Kothrud.?
People on the internet were in awe of the video. Many people noticed how Diljit Dosanjh was looking at them with a soft smile. Here's what some people wrote in the comments.?
The state excise department cancelled the liquor permit for Diljit's event on Sunday, in a last-minute decision.?
The decision was made in response to strong protests against providing booze at the event by the NCP party's youth wing and senior BJP leader Chandrakant Patil, as well as several residents and organisations.?
Earlier this month, at his Ahmedabad concert, Diljit indicated that if the government imposed a statewide ban on "sharab," he would cease creating songs about it. Diljit's Dil-Luminati Tour will continue with concerts in Kolkata on November 30.? ??
Also read:?Diljit Dosanjh stumbles on stage in Ahmedabad, but fans call it his lucky charm
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