The movie 'Barbie' has brought the iconic doll into the limelight. However, Barbie has been a cultural icon since it was first sold in toy stores.?For many young girls, a Barbie doll is often one of their earliest toys.?
In 2005, she surpassed Tony Mattia from the UK, who had 1,125 Barbie dolls, with her collection of 2,500 dolls.?
Over the years, her collection has continued to expand, and now she owns 18,500 dolls. She has even added dolls from the Barbie movie to her collection.
"I love Barbie dolls because I played with them in my childhood, and it was a very good time for me,"?Ms Dorfmann told Guinness. Ms. Dorfmann after she began her collection in 1993, although she received her very first doll in 1966 at the age of five.?
The woman has turned her passion for Barbie into a profession. She earns a living by showcasing her dolls and writing books about Barbie.?
She told Guinness about her repair business, ''In the 90s, I started repairing my dolls and buying replacement parts, such as arms and legs. I did it for myself because I like crafting and repairing. Collectors at toy trade fairs began asking if I could help restore their dolls' hair and make-up or replace missing eyelashes. When they asked what it cost, I asked for things I needed, such as dolls' shoes. From there, it just grew and grew.''
She charges as low as $5.60 for quick, on-the-spot repairs, while more intricate maintenance, requiring more time and effort, costs up to $336.01.
Her daughter, who cherished playing with the dolls as a young girl, inherited Ms. Dorfmann's passion for Barbie.
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