In a terribly shameful incident, a sadhu reportedly attempted to rape a minor boy at his ashram in Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya district. According to a report by News 18 Hindi, the sadhu also tried to cut off the child's private parts for resisting the sexual assault.?
The report further adds that the 14-year-old boy managed to free himself from the sadhu and ran away from the ashram. The sadhu has been identified as Ramsevak Das.?
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The minor boy is a student of Sanskrit at one of the ashrams and informed his local guardian of the sadhu's doing. The guardian contacted the police after finding out about the incident.?
A complaint has been filed against the sadhu by the child's relatives. The accused sadhu was then taken into custody by the local police.
Reportedly, the accused lured the boy to his ashram where he allegedly forced him to have sexual intercourse with him. When the child resisted, the sadhu attempted to chop off the boy's private part but luckily, he managed to flee from the spot.?
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In Ayodhya, there are hundreds of ashrams where boys are taught religious scriptures. The young boy was also a student at one of the ashrams. The day the incident occurred, the boy went to get water from the Saryu river and met Ramsevak there who then lured him into his ashram.?
Sexual crimes against anyone should be punishable and regardless of who does it, the punishment should be stern and have significant consequences.?
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