Entrepreneur Aman Rai, who secured a Rs 1 crore deal on Shark Tank India with his team, has now taken to social media to expose the "dark side of Make in India." He shared how bureaucratic red tape and demands for a bribe of Rs 1 lakh have made it nearly impossible for him to obtain a factory license.
On December 10, 2024, entrepreneur Aman Rai shared on X that he was in the process of securing a factory license for his manufacturing facility. "Taking help from a vendor who said 'out-of-pocket expenses' in the department will be ~INR 70K!!! (IYKYK) So much for 'Make in India' & 'Ease of doing business'?"
Nearly a month later, Rai posted an update, revealing that when he went to apply for the license directly, he was asked for a Rs 1 lakh bribe to get it approved: "Dark side of Make in India! Went and filed for the license directly. Being asked for 1L as bribe to get the license now!"
His post gained significant attention, accumulating over 6 lakh views, leading to a senior official from the commerce ministry reaching out to resolve the issue.
He wrote, "X is powerful. This blew up, a senior official from commerce ministry reached out to understand the issue. Will likely get resolved quickly."
This incident highlights a troubling reality: how one often needs to stand out, gain widespread attention, or have powerful connections to navigate bureaucracy and get things done in the country.
It raises an important question¡ªdoes the average citizen stand a chance at receiving fair opportunities in such a system?
In the third season of Shark Tank India last year, IIT Delhi alumnus Aman Rai secured a Rs 1 crore deal for his venture, 'Aroleap,' an all-in-one smart home gym, with four sharks.
Co-founded by Aman Rai, Anurag Dani, and Rohit Patel, Aroleap delivers personalised training and a wide range of workouts directly to one's home.
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