The much-awaited business reality show, Shark Tank India, is making a grand comeback with its fourth season. The show has been a game-changer, inspiring countless budding entrepreneurs. This season promises even more excitement as it transitions exclusively to Sony LIV, with episodes airing Monday to Friday at 8 PM, started from January 6, 2025.
While the Sharks' impressive business achievements are well-known, fans often wonder about their beginnings. Did you know that Ritesh Agarwal sold SIM cards as a teenager, and Aman Gupta became one of India¡¯s youngest Chartered Accountants? Let¡¯s explore the inspiring first jobs of the Sharks of Shark Tank India 4.
Net Worth: Rs 185 crore
Anupam Mittal¡¯s journey to success is a testament to his persistence. He applied for over 800 jobs and went through 65 interviews before landing his first job. His unwavering determination eventually led him to found, one of India¡¯s most popular matrimonial platforms. Today, he is not just an entrepreneur but also an investor in multiple successful ventures.
Net Worth: Rs 600 crore
Namita Thapar began her career in the financial sector after completing her MBA. She worked as a Business Finance Lead in the Financial Planning Department at Guidant Corporation, a medical device company. Later, she joined Emcure Pharmaceuticals as CFO and now plays a pivotal role as its Executive Director, driving the company¡¯s remarkable growth.
Azhar Iqubal, co-founder of the widely popular Inshorts app, started his entrepreneurial journey with his IIT classmates in 2013. Initially, they launched the Facebook page ¡°News in Shorts,¡± which later evolved into the app, providing bite-sized news summaries. Today, Inshorts is a leading platform for news consumption in India.
Net Worth: Rs 720 crore
At just 20 years old, Aman Gupta achieved the remarkable feat of becoming one of India¡¯s youngest Chartered Accountants in 2002. After years of dedication and hard work, he co-founded boAt, a leading audio and consumer electronics brand. As the company¡¯s Chief Marketing Officer, he has played a crucial role in its meteoric rise.
Net Worth: Rs 16,000 crore
Born in Odisha, Ritesh Agarwal displayed entrepreneurial flair from a young age. At 13, he began selling SIM cards in his hometown. His interest in the hospitality industry led him to travel across India, studying hotel operations, which ultimately inspired him to launch OYO Rooms, now a global leader in budget accommodation.
Net Worth: Rs 600 crore
Peyush Bansal started his professional journey at Microsoft in the USA, where he worked as a Program Manager. After gaining valuable experience, he returned to India in 2008 to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship. He founded Lenskart, now one of India¡¯s leading eyewear brands.
Vineeta Singh, an alumna of IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad, made a bold decision early in her career. While interning at Deutsche Bank during her MBA, she was offered an annual package of Rs 1 crore upon graduation. However, she declined it to chase her entrepreneurial dreams. She co-founded Sugar Cosmetics, which has grown into a major player in the Indian beauty industry.
The Sharks of Shark Tank India 4 remind us that every success story has humble beginnings. From selling SIM cards to founding multi-crore businesses, their journeys are nothing short of inspirational. As the new season unfolds, fans can not only enjoy the pitches and banter but also draw motivation from the incredible stories of these business icons.
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