Onion prices have been soaring recently due to a supply-demand imbalance, leading to a viral moment when a Delhi man made an unusual request for extra cut onions with his food order on Swiggy. He pleaded for the onions, explaining that the high prices were making it difficult for him to buy them himself. Now, Phani Kishan, co-founder of Swiggy himself has responded by listing onions on Swiggy Instamart for just Rs 39, instead of over Rs 80.
Kishan took to X to share his response after spotting the post from the Swiggy customer who requested extra onions with his food to cope with rising onion prices.?
"We feel your pain and though we can't change the prices - just for you, we're launching a flash sale today!" Kishan wrote.?
He then announced that in the surprise flash sale, onions would be sold for just Rs. 39 in Delhi NCR between 7-8 pm.?
What started as a viral plea turned into a fun and innovative way to address the current onion price hike.
In the viral Reddit post, a user shared the bill of their flatmate's food order.
On the bill, the flatmate's request was printed: "Bhaiyya please send round cut onions bhaiyya please. Onions bhot costly hai, I can't buy, please send onions bhaiyya thoda."
My flatmate placed the order and I found this on the bill
byu/batmaneatspickles indelhi
It was in response to this viral Reddit post that Swiggy ended up announcing the flash sale.
While the flash sale has ended and prices have since gone back up to Rs. 80, the incident highlights the growing trend of brands engaging directly with customers on social media to stay relevant and maintain a connection with their audience.
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