YouTuber Gaurav Wasan, who has been accused of misappropriation of funds in a complaint filed by Baba Ka Dhaba owner, Kanta Prasad, hascome forward and denied all the allegations against him.
A few weeks ago, YouTuber Gaurav Wasan helped the poor elderly couple, struggling with theirfood kiosk in the coronavirus lockdown. Now, the "Baba", Kanta Prasad, hasfiled a police complaint against the man who put his food stall on the map.
Also Read: YouTuber Gaurav Wasan Shares Bank Statement After Being Accused Of Fraud In Baba Ka Dhaba Case
The heart-wrenching story shared by the YouTuber requestingpeople to come forward and help out the old couple took a dark turn.
Kanta Prasad alleged that?Wasan shot his video and posted it online and convinced the public on social media to donate money to the eatery owner.
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Speaking to NDTV Prasad said, "He called for donationsin the name of his wife, brother and himself. He gave us a cheque of only ?2,33,677. I have deposited the cheque; I don't know if the money will becredited. They tell me I got 20 lakh but where is the money."
Denying all allegations, Gaurav told that allaccusations put against him are "baseless, false, and negative."
Saying that people are trying to defame the initiative, theYouTuber said that "there have been rumours and reports that I received anamount of Rs 25 lakh in my account, which is not true."
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Gaurav stated that he gave all his bank statements andtransferred all the money he received to Baba, and the allegations against himof taking Rs 25 lakh are also false. "I don't know who is putting all thisinformation in his head and telling him that I received Rs 25 lakh," headded.
Talking about how his drive to help the poor and needy isgetting hindered because of such rumor-mongering, Gaurav said, "People whoare trying to create this negative narrative to defame me, they shouldn't dothese things. Because if they continue, people's trust in humanity will vanish."
"People who are helping out the needy will stop doing their bit. There arethousands and thousands of Babas and Ammas out there who need our help, andpeople were coming out to help them after my video. But after what is happeningagainst me and because of the baseless allegations, people will lose hope inhumanity and such initiatives. Nobody will go out and help people, even whenthey genuinely need our help."
Wasan stated that hehas given all his bank statements and has sent Kanta Prasad all the money that hereceived.?
Last week, Youtuber Lakshay Chaudhary also raised concerns over how the donations were being collected by Gaurav Wasan in his own bank account which seemed fishy. The video gained 1M+ views following which many people took to the internet to question Wasan about the appropriation of donated money received by him and few even spoke about the double standards of donors who donated to Baba ka Dhaba.