People are rushing to deposit or trade their Rs 2,000 notes after the RBI announced the withdrawal of the currency note. But on social media, it went the other way around as people shared memes, stories, and whatnot.?
Recently, a video went viral and in it, a man at a petrol pump is seen taking fuel out from a scooter after being handed a Rs?2,000 note.?
This video sure got attention on Twitter, and people could not stop laughing at the situation.?
The clip was posted on Twitter by Nagar Praveen with the caption, "Gave 2000 note at a petrol pump in UP's Jalaun The staff refused to take notes. Later poured petrol was also taken out from the tank Video went viral on social media."
The oil station attendant in Uttar Pradesh's Jalaun refused to take a Rs 2,000 note and drained fuel from a tanker of a man's scooter.?
According to the footage, the customer gave the worker a Rs 2000 note, after which the attendant removed the petrol filled inside the scooter. After filling his scooter, the customer offered the petrol pump attendant a Rs 2,000 note. The worker, however, refused the note and requested a lower denomination note.
The fight raged, and the worker drained fuel from the scooter's tanker using a pipe as the man refused to comply with his request.?After the incident, the petrol pump manager, Rajiv Girhotra, stated that after RBI's directive, most of the load had fallen on petrol pumps.
The video has garnered over 37K views, 795 retweets, 1,813 likes, and comments like the ones below:
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