The battle for Tamil Nadu is intensifying and every candidate in the poll fray is giving it their best shot to win over people. The assembly election slated next month is witnessing some unique campaigning.?
While candidates are filing nominations and releasing manifestos, there seems to be lot at stake. The contestants are taking extreme measures to pull ahead of their rivals, but in doing so, some of them are coming up with otherworldly promises in their manifestos.?
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An independent candidate, Saravanan from South Madurai, has listed a number of outlandish welfare schemes in his poll promise, which include an iPhone, a car, helicopter, a boat robot and much more.
Talk about making an impression, aye!?
As he campaigns determinedly, Saravanan released his manifesto, stating that if he won, he will deliver on his promises that will see every every household provided with one iPhone, a car, a helicopter, a boat, a robot, a three-storied house with a swimming pool. He also plans on giving Rs 1 crore for youths and a 100-day vacation to the moon. I love?vote you to the moon and back??
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That is not all. Saravanan is a man of the future and has also promised multiple infrastructure development projects that include a space research centre, a rocket launch site and more prominently, an artificial iceberg that will be built to a height of 300ft in his South Madurai constituency to fight the summer heat.?
Over the past assembly elections, Tamil Nadu's two big political rivals - AIADMK and DMK, have offered many freebies in their manifestos. From free colour TVs to laptops and mixer grinders, the state is no stranger to election perks.
While to an extent, those promises were delivered on, Saravanan's claims are simply crazy and he will have his work cut out if he goes on to win.?
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