Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO, never misses a chance to tease the internet with his new upcoming projects. Recently, he hinted on his X (formerly called Twitter) about "Xmail," a new feature that will be added to the platform that could potentially become a rival to Gmail, Google's email application.?
On Sunday, an X account user under the name DodgeDesigner posted on 'Xmail' that it would be a cooler option. To which Musk, who frequently makes his opinion on X, wrote that it is on the platform's list of things to do.?
Earlier in February, Musk doubled down on a conversation, claiming to be developing a new email service called Xmail, coming as a rival to Gmail for its 1.8 billion users.?
Back in February, out of curiosity, the security engineer of X, Nate McGrady, asked, 'When are we making Xmail?' to which Musk replied, "It's coming.'
On Sunday, again, Musk reignited the conversation, targeting Gmail, which is owned by Google. The current conversation quickly grabbed the attention of the people on X and became the No. 2 trending conversation on X, with 22,600 posts talking about it.?
According to Times Now, as of September 2024, Apple Mail leads the global email market with a 53.67 per cent share, followed by Gmail at 30.70 per cent. While on the other hand, there are other notable platforms like Outlook (4.38 per cent), Yahoo Mail (2.64 per cent), and Google Android (1.72 per cent).?
It may be surprising for many that the billionaire is trying to enter the email market as well, but why? Well, Musk venturing into email services may be related to a broader vision of transforming X into an "everything app.".?
Since he acquired Twitter and rebranded it as X, Musk has expressed his desire to create a multifunctional platform including social media, payments, shopping, and now email.?
Even though there are no official details available on the release date, as per Musk's track record in the past, we can't expect to have these features in the Xmail:?
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