Asia¡¯s richest man Mukesh Ambani has amassed a net worth of Rs 9 lakh crore. As the chairman of Reliance Industries, he oversees the conglomerate valued at Rs 19.16 lakh crore, while his three children, Anant, Akash, and Isha Ambani, hold different positions within the company. Isha Ambani, aged 32, serves as a Director at Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).
She frequently advocates for women's empowerment. Recently, Isha expressed her perspective aiming to motivate young girls and women to cultivate skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and pursue education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
Isha emphasized that within the constantly evolving technology sector, the significant under-representation of women in the workforce remains a concerning reality. Additionally, Isha, who holds key positions within various subsidiaries of the Reliance Group, highlighted this issue.
"If we are to build the India of our dream, technology will be our driving force, and both men and women in Science and Technology must fire on all cylinders."
She referenced NASSCOM data, revealing that merely 36 percent of India's tech workforce comprises women. Additionally, citing World Bank statistics, Isha Ambani highlighted that women constitute 43 percent of the total STEM graduates in India. However, they represent only 14 percent of all scientists, engineers, and technologists in the country.
¡°So, for everyone present here today: Be ready to embrace the change. Be prepared to take up Science & Technology as career options because Science & Technology hold the key to the future. The majority of future jobs are going to be in those realms. So, break the shackles to tradition¡ challenge yourself¡ and be the changemakers.¡±
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Isha Ambani also spoke about the stark gender disparities in corporate leadership positions, noting that only 7 percent of women held executive-level roles, 13 percent occupied director-level positions, and a mere 17 percent held mid-managerial positions. She further highlighted that the under-representation of women in leadership roles persists due to limited access to funding and resources for female-led start-ups and businesses.
¡°I have heard my mother, Mrs Nita Ambani, a champion of women empowerment, say, time and again: ¡®Empower a man and he will feed a family. Empower a woman and she will feed an entire village.¡¯ I believe that what my mother says is true. Women are born leaders. Their innate selflessness makes them better leaders,¡± she said. ¡°So, by denying leadership roles to women, we are denying ourselves the chance to realise our full potential.¡±
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