This Dog Refuses To Let Go Of His Human, Follows Her Around During The Wedding 'Pheras'!
Sultan was as excited as Mansi for the big day Dressed in his fabulous maroon shervani he was ready to walk this beautiful Indian bride down the aisle. Sultan was in no mood to give the bride away and much to the surprise and delight of the family he decided to take pheras with the bride and the groom.
Trust your pooches to make even your wedding day a blissful one. Because right here, we have Sultan who made his human Mansi's wedding a one she will cherish forever.
In a video posted by CollarFolk on Facebook, Sultan can be seeing taking the pheras with the marrying couple.
The description of the video reads,
Sultan was as excited as Mansi for the big day. Dressed in his fabulous maroon shervani, he was ready to walk this beautiful Indian bride down the aisle.
What no one knew is that he was in no mood to give the bride away and much to the surprise and delight of the family, he decided to take pheras with the bride and the groom! Now that's one smart dog!!!
As Sultan took his vows with the couple, I think it's safe to say that the match was truly a godsend.