This Space Company Has Built A Spacecraft With The "World's Largest" 3D Printed Rocket Engine
Guys like SpaceX and Blue Origin are clearly leading the pack when it comes to privatized spaceflight. But that doesn¡¯t stop new entries for making their attempts. Take UK startup Orbex for instance, that¡¯s taken to 3D printing it¡¯s rockets.
Guys like SpaceX and Blue Origin are clearly leading the pack when it comes to privatized spaceflight. But that doesn't stop new entries for making their attempts. Take UK startup Orbex for instance, that's taken to 3D printing it's rockets.
Images courtesy: Orbex
The company recently showed of the second stage of its 'Prime Rocket'. The prototype has a fairly standard material shell, made of composite carbon fiber and aluminium that's supposed to be 30 percent lighter than the current trend.
Inside it however is what they claim is the "world's largest" 3D printed rocket engine. It's also designed to run on bio-propane, a renewable fuel source that's made from mostly waste and emits 90 percent less CO2.
So with all of this together, the rocket is saving a lot of energy that would otherwise have been expended carrying a heavier load. The company plans to carry out its first launch from Scotland in 2021, where it will carry 10 nano-satellites into orbit. And when that happens, we'll know for sure how good an idea this is.