Every year Bollywood's Bhai AKA Salman Khan's films make crores of money at the box-office. While people hoot and cheer for Bollywood's Khan, there is something very thoughtful that Salman Khan has planned now.?
A Mumbai Mirror report claims that Salman has already started working on the business plan and he has chosen six single screens from all over Maharashtra have been selected. A source close to Salman told media,?
Recently, the actor expressed displeasure over rising prices of movie tickets to as much as Rs 400-500 in tier-one cities.
Explaining the economics of hits and flops, Salman said at an event recently, "If a film has to flop, the effect of the loss should be as little as possible. Jai Ho did a business of Rs 138 crore with tickets priced at Rs 200. On weekdays, the prices were down to Rs 100 but since we didn't publicise this fact, people said, 'Arey is that the only business?' Rs 138 crore is a huge, how many films touch that kind of a figure? Prem Ratan Dhan Payo made Rs 238 crore but since it didn't make as much money as Bajrangi Bhaijaan, the perception is that it flopped."
The major motive behind Salman Talkies would be:
He was earlier quoted by the Mumbai Mirror as saying, "It's because of the economics that Marathi films like Natsamrat and Sairat are getting more footfalls. With Hindi films the numbers are higher but we need the footfalls too."